Call Control

  • 4+ IDADE

Sobre este aplicativo

  • Nome Call Control
  • categoria Comunicação
  • Preço Free
  • Segurança 100% Safe
  • Desenvolvedor Call Control LLC
  • Versão 2.13.4
Call Control
Call Control
Call Control
Call Control
Call Control

This app is STIR/SHAKEN Compatible, and has an advanced call blocker technology with enhanced caller ID and smart dialer. Users can even utilize our text message blocker, do not disturb mode, and backup contacts all within the app.

Want to block this incoming "Potential Spam" Calls? Works to block the following types of flagged calls by carriers: Block Potential Spam, Spam Likely, Scam Likely, and Potential Fraud Calls Today!

Download FREE Call Blocker!

We at Call Control believe that everyone should have the right to defend himself or herself from unwanted calls and text messages. Whether it’s a robo call, an annoying telemarketer, a scam, a bully or just any person you wouldn’t like to talk with - The fact that your phone is reachable for them doesn’t mean that you are!

Extreme Call & SMS Blocker

This amazing community blacklist and call blocker app automatically blocks thousands of robocall calls and spam callers that are already known to the system. No need to worry anymore! These calls are simply not going to reach you! You have 100% FULL protection from any scam.

Personal Blocklist

Is someone bothering you with phone calls and SMS text messages? If so - congratulations! You’ve just found the best solution for FULL protection! The only thing you need to do is add their number to your personal blacklist, & you can forget about them bothering you again!

Caller ID and Smart Dialer

Remember the old days when you used to get calls from numbers instead of people? You didn’t even know if the caller is a person, a robocall, a telemarketer... Well, you can kiss these days goodbye, since Call Control - Call Blocker, Spam Stopper, & Dialer / Caller ID is going to make sure you always know exactly who’s calling!

Enjoy your own personal block and allow list, local backups, wildcard blocking support and much more.

App Permissions Overview

We maintain extremely high ethical standards surrounding the permissions you grant to us and the private information Call Control has access to and are committed to using this information only to make Call Control function in the manner that you specifically determine. Call Control requires that it become Default Phone and SMS handler.

Click on the link below for an explanation of the permissions required to run Call Control and how we use the permissions that are granted ethically and with respect of your privacy.

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